Nowadays, the economic, social and cultural exchanges that we are exposed to, forces everybody to learn other languages, should it be for professional or personal reasons. The need to master another tongue than English, with its many idioms, is becoming more and more frequent.
Spanish is the third most popular mean of communication in Montreal. Not to forget, 450M people speak Spanish throughout the whole world. Quebec is part of the regions where it is increasingly in demand. Business with Hispanic countries is also increasing; furthermore, traveling is a very popular activity, and Quebecers manifest a particular preference to the ever popular Caribbean and other Hispanic countries. In a way, our cultures are getting closer and appreciate each other.
À TOUS MES ÉTUDIANTS DÉBUTANTS! Vous me demandez souvent du matériel supplémentaire pour pratiquer la langue de Cervantes… J’ai trouvé! Un cahier d’exercices avec des activités ludiques, des devinettes, des mots-croisés, des charades et plus… EN VENTE ICI : Cahier Hola Clara pour seulement 18.95$ (plus taxes applicables). Un outil qui vous aidera à faire […]
Winter Session 2017 – Repentigny
See the information at français.
Winter Session 2017 – Verdun
See the information at français.
Interview with LiaLaProf… It’s never too late to take on something new. “Nunca es tarde para empezar” Publié dans 09/12/2016 par pulso dans Inmigración